Fredric Mack
Oh ok.. great- I just wanted it to be clarified here so others viewing this wouldn't be mislead..
There is definitely not marriage in heaven as it is on earth between male and female according to
Mark 12:24-25. God Bless you beloved sister.
It's just one of the many word-pictures used to open our eyes. Try to think of marriage,
not in the physical/fleshly/carnal sense. It is a covenant relationship...becoming one flesh,
leaving all else behind for this eternal bond, where you become not just like Him...but a part of our King, Savior and Lord.
He gave every drop of His blood for this. We have been bought at a very high price, indeed.
And it's not necessarily easier for a female to adopt this spiritual sense of marriage
Jnet Jungle
Jesus replies: "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower,
and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male shall not be male, and the female shall not be female: . . .
then you will enter [the kingdom]." (Gospel of Thomas).